
Lost In Thoughts

So we fumble back on to track of my favorite topic, mind. And its underlying substrata, the brain. Examine. Haven't  you thought this before? That brain may be the hardware, and mind is the software that runs on it. Brain, basically a giant storage device with a huge capacity. The neurons, the network cells that basically create algorithms to run itself. Continuously mutating, making itself better suited to survival. With every bit of new information, new data. The only question is the mind running only on the brain or the whole body, permeating every system, every cell. Full from the beginning, saturated with information from the DNA. Cumulated learning of the human species, then the specific race, then the specific ancestory, family, parents. Then I guess a dash of randomness for garnish. Unique snowflakes and all that. Then it changes, becomes more. Based on learnings from the surroundings. A continuous barrage of information. About survival, then pleasure and pain. Behind it...

Few ambitious men

Ambition, is a word that is often demonized. If you hear some one as ambitious, the mind immediately extends it to selfish and ruthless and willing to do anything to get what they want. Do you realize you read this in a strong unflinching voice, a bit harsh? That is because in your mind too ambitious is a bad trait. Wanting more than what they should. More than what is proper. Do you realize 'proper' is but a bad average of common human behaviour. Average - is that what you should aspire for? Do you not feel diminished to be so restricted? Constrained. The box made solid by combined belief of clueless thousands. So what if someone wanted to throw off these shackles of common and accepted normalcy. The people who don't succumb to this ideology are villain-ized and called ambitious. Want has driven human endeavor , not need. We want to fly, we don't need to. We want a fast car, a cool ac. If we stuck to needs mankind would still have been sticking to survival. Not opu...

The Future of many paths

If you are afraid, how can you progress? You can't be afraid of blame. Because blame eventually finds the person responsible. Not today, but someday, the person who is blamed is also held accountable. When lesser men flee from blame, aren't they also running away from being accountable? Is there a higher politics? Because world needs people who will be accountable. At a lower dimension there is the need to attach yourself only to success and stay away from failures. But are all the successful people lying then? May be. They are a slithering bunch, the successful people. May be because they tried a million things. And they don't know which of those million things actually worked. Are they as clueless as the rest of us mortals? Are there some essences which can be distilled from their cumulative experience. Because in the end you see that successful people set the narratives. They look invincible and seem like they have done no wrong ever. But nobody catalogues their journ...

The Two

There is always two sides to a coin. At least in most realities. There is a push and a pull. Yin Yang. Two forces in opposition, yet working in tandem, in sync. Is it the same for people ? There are two opposing facets which are both you. One is chaos, other is discipline. One is activity, other is rest. One is care, other is indifference. One is progress, other is devolution. One is civilization other is the baser instincts. Better men than me have attempted to decide which is better, superior. I don't know if they succeeded. Doesn't matter. I don't listen to others anyway. But this inherent sense of duality is a common thread in almost all religions and philosophical schools. The devil & god, good &evil . I don't know if one is better than the other. But sometimes one is more suitable than the other to attain certain objectives. If you are running away from a pack of dogs you need activity, alertness, adrenaline. If you trying to sleep, you need the oppos...

Space and its associated conundrums

For/From when the colors had sounds and sounds had colors. the sounds the rhythm of the universe.  Ha, how ambitious - universe;? from when you couldn’t conceive and hold the size and volume of earth, forget earth think of the house, the city, all its veins and nerves , power-line , traffic, the lights and sounds of life.  See it all, encompass it in your mind. Hold the image , the size the spread. It's all yours ,in your mind. The district, the state, the vast ocean, how many kilometers can you hold in your head? Why can’t you? Because you hold size in your head as a comparison with you in proportion.. When the proportion goes out of whack, when distance is huge and you are small, insignificant, bordering on minuscule. And then the comparison is lost on scale. At what distance do you become too small, in your own mind. Does it vary for people to people . (I was always interested in measuring the mind of others.) And you lose scope. You can imagine earth ,but as...

An improbable combination

Hope is the last bastion of human endurance. Don't know where I read or heard it. May be a book, may be a movie. It is too good to be an original statement. Ah, cynicism mixed with hope. A strange mixture. An improbable combination. Then again, I think it is one of the gifts of 21st century. When you know too much, to be not cynical. And yet a million years of human evolution sneaks in an ounce of hope. When you discover suddenly that you like peppy Jazz music, and it transports you to light autumn rains outside a pub in New York. The cool yellowish haze of city lights, the hum of life and movement, the gentle titter-patter of reluctant rains, the smoky scents. A sleepy city, fully awake. Imagination that takes you to a place and time you have never known. Then you know there is hope. Why? Because you know things have happened in the past. Things that first came to your imagination. Unlikely things, which came to pass. Defiance of nature, of our petty cynicism. I don't...

The Ignorance Economy

Imagine finding a place to stay in a city, say Bangalore. You know what you are looking for, you have your specifications. A place that allows bachelors (Good luck with that!), within your budget, with basic amenities like wifi, may be a parking spot for your dysfunctional bike. You know such places exist, you just don't know where, and how to find it. A few years ago, you would have found a house broker and have extensive negotiations. He will show you a couple of shoddy houses to bring down your expectations and drive up his utility. Finally you will most likely settle for a place within your parameters and pay the brokerage. Lets deep-dive into what happened here. The brokers job was just connecting you to an opportunity that already existed. You are paying for your ignorance. This was a simple, if inefficient example. You might think, that don't all payments fall under ignorance costs then? Imagine you take an Uber or Ola, then you pay for convenience, not ignoranc...