Few ambitious men

Ambition, is a word that is often demonized. If you hear some one as ambitious, the mind immediately extends it to selfish and ruthless and willing to do anything to get what they want.
Do you realize you read this in a strong unflinching voice, a bit harsh? That is because in your mind too ambitious is a bad trait. Wanting more than what they should. More than what is proper.
Do you realize 'proper' is but a bad average of common human behaviour. Average - is that what you should aspire for? Do you not feel diminished to be so restricted? Constrained. The box made solid by combined belief of clueless thousands. So what if someone wanted to throw off these shackles of common and accepted normalcy. The people who don't succumb to this ideology are villain-ized and called ambitious.
Want has driven human endeavor , not need. We want to fly, we don't need to. We want a fast car, a cool ac. If we stuck to needs mankind would still have been sticking to survival. Not opulence and indulgence. And people who want boldly, who demand more from themselves and others are picked as ambitious. The great minds - philosophers, scientists, inventors, discoverers, innovators, distruptors. People who wanted more than they needed. Who strived to get what they wanted. These are the men who shaped the world, these few ambitious men.


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