The Future of many paths

If you are afraid, how can you progress?
You can't be afraid of blame. Because blame eventually finds the person responsible. Not today, but someday, the person who is blamed is also held accountable. When lesser men flee from blame, aren't they also running away from being accountable?
Is there a higher politics? Because world needs people who will be accountable. At a lower dimension there is the need to attach yourself only to success and stay away from failures. But are all the successful people lying then? May be. They are a slithering bunch, the successful people. May be because they tried a million things. And they don't know which of those million things actually worked. Are they as clueless as the rest of us mortals? Are there some essences which can be distilled from their cumulative experience. Because in the end you see that successful people set the narratives. They look invincible and seem like they have done no wrong ever. But nobody catalogues their journey till success. Of course a few biographies are written. They had humble beginnings, blah blah. Edison and his thousand failed experiments.
Like Hindu philosophy has many truths, yes, not just many paths that lead to truth - which is a charlatan's pitch, a safe pitch. I'm saying there are many truths. For a seeker, a beginner - temple and its residing deities are true. But once you reach a level of maturity you see no need for such symbolisms and discard them. Not as falsehoods. They are still the truth for a billion people. But like the surety of mathematics, like 1+1=2. A mathematician knows these symbols are placeholders. He can play these from a different set of rules. Like Newton and Leibniz, who changed the rules of the game to suit a truth that they understood. Like there is a laptop, yet it is also metal, plastic, minerals. It is also energy that powers, and information it carries. But it is also matter and energy. It is also a possibility to stretch the very little quantum mechanics I know. If every electron is a probability and space, then the laptop is also largely probability and space. Which is because I know more physics that a pre schooler, who will laugh at this article btw, if they could be forced to read it.
Now that we have deviated to unacceptable levels. Are there different rules of engagement as you move into a class which is more intelligent?
Ideas are important. They were wrong when they said "You are what you eat". Not wrong, so much as incomplete. I give you(i think) a new tenet "You are what you consume". Consume, as in not just eat, you are what  you see, hear, touch, feel, lick, ahem, taste. You are what you consume as information, entertainment, you are what you perceive, you experience. How do you 'see' yourself. I heard, consumed in a TV series that " See yourself in the past, see yourself in the future, now halve that. That is where you are today. What you are today." I am more like one thirds of the way. But there should be a better you, a better me. And a better world, and world peace and all that no global warming, no poverty etc etc.


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