The Future of many paths
If you are afraid, how can you progress? You can't be afraid of blame. Because blame eventually finds the person responsible. Not today, but someday, the person who is blamed is also held accountable. When lesser men flee from blame, aren't they also running away from being accountable? Is there a higher politics? Because world needs people who will be accountable. At a lower dimension there is the need to attach yourself only to success and stay away from failures. But are all the successful people lying then? May be. They are a slithering bunch, the successful people. May be because they tried a million things. And they don't know which of those million things actually worked. Are they as clueless as the rest of us mortals? Are there some essences which can be distilled from their cumulative experience. Because in the end you see that successful people set the narratives. They look invincible and seem like they have done no wrong ever. But nobody catalogues their journ...